Saturday 9 August 2014


So, she decided to sit on the rock nearby and let her stupid mind wonder again. That reddish color, her lips once wore, was fading by then. She knew, she had lost part of herself somewhere. Something was missing, she realized it but couldn't recognize. Her words that were meant to explain, couldn't reveal anything. Her brown eyes, that once had packed in them, all the elated moments, were vacant. She was stuck, her mind surrendered and she was blank, all over again.

Sometimes,the zenith and nadir of bliss and misery, made her wonder about the the darn life. Pain, she had always got, was now inseparable that she couldn't even remember if she ever smiled. She was afraid,just too scared of the demons hidden inside her. It seemed to her a deep well, full of water with no bucket to help. At times, she was so confused, just too depressed that she would feel herself drowned in a deep ocean, her being paralyzed and suffocating to death, while others had their cup of tea.

Dark, it always startled her and nightmares haunted her often. She would find herself in a labyrinth, walls enclosing in on her while her tiny self would be struggling for light.She was not just afraid of heights, it was that she was too troubled of falling. She hated being noticed, and the more she tried not to and the more she got. Crowds always seemed of  making fun of her. Her 16 year old being which was no more than a carcass had been called cheater, arrogant and disrespectful.The panicky rumors and gossips had always dreaded her and she couldn't pour her real self out.The only place where she could find solace was serenity of being alone. 

But she knew, there's someone with the same thing. It was just like, she was waiting for that bright lit star hidden amidst the darkness and stillness of night who'll unite with her diffused part and help her survive. The one who'll understand her complicated soul and value her hidden self. Then, she knew that the star deserved best and she was no more than a dumb, nerd girl. So, she wanted to fade away, gradually without being noticed for she was terrified of being broken, shattered into those pieces, she won't be able to gather back.

And it was quite weird, she started to cry. All of the sudden,she was tired, tired of everything.
Amongst the wildness, she wandered what it could be?
Her destination or just a start?

Saturday 21 June 2014


That night she couldn't sleep. Memories haunted her, absorbing into her soul -each and every bit of it -slowly and gradually. Stars glowed with their most tragic look amidst the malevolence darkness of the sky. Tears trickled down her eyes, for her heart was as heavy as anything could. She couldn't stop, couldn’t hold herself.

She sat down, as she saw the bright lit candle shown its reflection in the window and vividly picture of herself, which she was unable to recognize. As she opened her diary, she started to write. Then, she stood up abruptly, tore the pages and started to yell. Every part of her body was aching then.

Sadness, she knew it was addictive, just like a drug, which would kill her up in the long run, with its most radical upshot. That she would have nothing at all, but just few reminiscences to live with. She found herself erased to that rubbed pieces no one ever wished to have. Life, it played again, cheated her, turned her just like autumn do to leaves, over which people love to walk ecstatically, enjoining, unaware of the stalwart pain.

Outside, wind started to blow and pushed the windows open. The candle snuffed out and there was absolute darkness. Amongst this obscurity, hallucinations found there way. “Die, useless creature!” Her parents told her, just because she failed them once again, another time. Soon, she started weeping breathlessly. Her eyelids went heavy. Dizziness surrounded and her body surrendered, lost its power and fell to the ground. An awkward silence arouse, as if the sky even grieved for her. She was dead.

She hoped that the things would turn the right way. She hoped that life would let her live but

these SCARS, these BRUISES, they were meant to be FOREVER.

Monday 16 June 2014


Then the traumas hit the way, drive you insane and you're left alone. Solitude preoccupies you. Virtually, everything around you, turns against you. Your soul shatters to bits at every instance. Your nervous system overwrought when you allow yourself to get hurt with every small pain.People mock you at every stage. You are discouraged, your head is completely messed up and you want exodus.

That's when part of you summons up the remaining power, AND YOU KEEP ON MOVING FORWARD,possibly into nowhere.The numbness, that once has paralyzed your thinking ability starts to wash away. Your being is revitalized by a high pitch receptivity.

AND, you don't die. OBVIOUSLY, YOU DON'T.

The Untitled Anguish

The mountains were covered in its perfect white tinge, hiding the comatose soil underneath it. The wind blew with its lethargic self, ki...